Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Can I 24??????

So...enough is enough!  Should have said that pounds ago.  As one who has struggled with my weight all my life, you think I would eventually learn...but alas, NO.  Here I am 50+ years old and still struggling to find...no, wait, that is not true....to maintain balance in my life...as least dietarily.

Oh, I KNOW where to find it....I KNOW how to find it...it just seems to be like greased pig (ok, definitely NOT the best metaphor given my topic)....slips right out of my hands.

Life changes (becoming older, and becoming more sedentary in my work, and working in general, which leads to less free time to work out or work in the yard/garden) has resulted in the pounds mounting up.

But, I have chosen to do something!!  And that is the BEST news yet!  And even better...my "house buddies" are doing it with me!! 

I needed a kick start...something to get me off and running with at least some midicum of success.  I have recently begun using ADVOCARE products.  I am now doing the 24 day challenge.  I really intended to start this blog on Day 1...but alas, life gets in the way.

The 24-Day Challenge™ is a comprehensive supplementation and nutrition program. Giving your body the jumpstart it needs to help you reach your goals.

The 24 day challenge is comprised of 2 parts:
1)  The 10 day Cleanse...designed to get the yuck out!!  There are three components of the Herbal Cleanse: Fiber Drink – which is mixed with 8 oz. of water, Herbal Cleanse caplets and ProBiotic Restore™ Ultra Capsules.  In addition, you take OmegaPlex vitamins and the Herbal Cleanse tablets.

2)  A 14 day follow up designed to get the GOOD in...The Max Phase is about fueling your body in order to achieve maximum results.  During this phase you will take three products (Metabolic Nutrition System - MNS®, Meal Replacement Shakes, and Spark) that work together to provide you with sustained energy, appetite control, core nutrition and overall wellness.

All this while following a fairly well defined diet..I hesitate to use the word diet...THAT IS ONE NASTY 4 LETTER WORD!   As I looked over the can-Do's and Don't dos...it seemed do-able!  Lots of foods I like..of course there are plenty of NEVER foods I like as well....butter, mayo, white creamy sauces...etc.

But the reality is this should be NO SURPRISE.  If anyone thinks that they can lose weight or get healthier with a diet full of these things, they have another thing coming.  Does it mean I can NEVER have them again...NO.  Maybe not during the 24 day challenge, but certainly on an occasional basis.

SO back to the Challenge...I am on Day 8. 
Has it been difficult - NO
Have I been hungry - NO way
Do I feel better - Surprisingly so
Have I lost weight - don't know yet...trying to be disciplined to not weigh myself till AFTER the 10 day cleanse...STAY TUNED.

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